Two Day Capacity Building Programme on Mathematics Secondary 

Today’s students face challenges in learning mathematical concepts and their applications in daily life. To help mathematics teachers of grades IX & X deal with the issues and make the teaching process more effective, a brainstorming session was organised by the Central Board of Secondary Education at Darshan Academy, Hisar, on November 25 and 26, 2023. The workshop was facilitated by resource persons of C.B.S.E., Ms. Ishita Mukherjee and Dr. Suresh Aggarwal.  The sole objective of the workshop was to equip the course participants with the skills and competencies required to transact challenging content areas in mathematics effectively. Ms. Ishita familiarized the course participants with the concept of multiple intelligence and facilitated them in planning their lessons. Dr. Suresh Aggarwal highlighted the skills, i.e., problem-solving, critical thinking, logical reasoning, arithmetic computation, estimation, creativity, spatial thinking, etc., which are enhanced by mathematics. The workshop aimed at making learning more interesting and effective by devising methods to engage students in meaningful activities and empowering teachers with appropriate pedagogy and educational tools to achieve the same.


"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "