To honour the legendary physician and the second chief minister of West Bengal, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, National Doctor’s Day was celebrated at Darshan Academy, Hisar. The Darshanites participated in various activities such as role-play, show-and-tell, poem and article writing, emphasizing the value of doctors 
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Paper folding is a multi-sensory, hands-on activity. Today, the little stars of Darshan Academy, Hisar enjoyed a paper folding activity in which they learned rhyming words and enhanced their vocabulary. Learning a new model and duplicating it allows the child to improve multiple cognitive skills 
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Art and crafts break the monotony of academics and encourage self-expression. Darshan Academy understands that a well-rounded education will prepare children for a better future. We offer state-of-the-art facilities to expose our children to various art forms. Here are some glimpses of future artists at 
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On June 23, 1948, the first Olympic Day was organized in Portugal, Greece, Austria, Canada, Venezuela, and Belgium to promote sports and spread the message that sports is an integral part of life. Darshan Academy, Hisar offers its students basketball, tennis, volleyball, yoga, cricket, badminton, 
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Creativity has no boundaries. Darshan Academy, Hisar always tries to make its students more creative by providing multidimensional activities to develop their vision and inventiveness. On June 21, 2021, the little Darshanites were introduced to three-letter words by the teacher through an engaging and fun-filled 
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To bring awareness about yoga’s health benefits and mark International Yoga Day, students of Darshan Academy, Hisar participated in an online session on June 21, 2021. During the session the school physical education instructor demonstrated various asanas. The students also performed many warmup exercises emphasizing 
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Darshan Academy, Hisar organized a mathematics methodology workshop for teachers to build their skills and develop tools in the teaching-learning processes in mathematics. The online workshop comprised teachers sharing their teaching methodologies of audiovisual aids, assessments, integrated art activities, PPTs and different modes of online 
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The senses of hearing, smell, touch, taste, and sight were introduced to the tiny tots of Darshan Academy, Hisar on June 14, 2021. Through demonstrations by the teacher and various fun-filled activities, students could feel and experience their sense organs. The activities captured the essence 
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“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.”  Father’s Day is a celebration honouring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, parental bonds and the role of fathers in shaping the lives of their children. The ingenious kids of Darshan Academy Hisar 
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On World Blood Donor Day, students of Darshan Academy, Hisar spread awareness about the significance of blood donation. They recognized the contribution of voluntary unpaid blood donors in saving lives by making beautiful posters.
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" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."