Maths Alchemist Exhibition

‘Speak to me I will learn, teach me I will understand, guide me to do I will remember it forever’

A maths exhibition was held at Darshan Academy, Hisar, on November 27, 2021, to develop problem-solving skills among students to use mathematical ideas to model real-world problems. Students enthusiastically participated in the exhibition and made beautiful and enlightening models, including still and working models on various topics. They keenly participated in the exhibition and presented their heart-winning presentations. The non-participant students organized a beautiful cultural program including Nukkad Natika and Musical Chair Game to entertain the guests and other visitors. Students from Mirzapur Government School and Prayatan NGO also joined the Darshanites and gave Sanskrit Shalokas and other activities enjoying the fun event.


"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "